Life Coach & School Psychologist with a lifetime focus on the science of human flourishing.

I help people learn to sail the winds of life, finding peace in chaos and buried joy in all they do. I am here to help you choose growth, again and again and again."You can't control the waves, but you can learn to swim."
~John Kabat
“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.”-Abraham MaslowUpward Spiral Coaching, LLC

About Mary Ann

Working to help individuals create a vision for the rest of their life while coaching them through the steps for success. Areas of focus: Self-Actualization, parenting (especially motherhood), stress management, ADHD (perfectionism/procrastination and overwhelm). 2E Friendly. : ). Intuitive and creative people are my tribe.I am able to work with adolescents struggling with executive functioning. My model includes time with parents, as well, since the system is the context where successful skills grow.I am a certified school psychologist in Michigan and an International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach (ACC). I have the Professional ADHD Coach title with ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) and am completing certification with the Professional Association for ADHD Coaches Organization. I work regularly with a mentor and meet monthly with a group of coaches in order to stay current and engaged ethically in my profession.Yoga teacher. Former Mental Health Consultant. Part-time School Psychologist at Cranbrook Upper School.Recent professional learning:
Neurodiversity in Education Series at Oakland Schools (current). Self Actualization Coaching Intensive with Scott Barry Kaufman (The Center for Human Potential) (12/23); Motivational Interviewing for Addiction (Psychwire 6 week course11/23); Expert Strategies for Dealing with Anxiety (NICABM 11/23); Positive Intelligence Coaching 7 week intensive and year-long coaching(6/23-present); Psychology of Adjustment (Oakland Community College) (8/23). ADHD Coaching (53 hours) Simply ADHD and Personal Transformation (ADD Coach Academy 2022-2023)
Previous work: Mental Health Consultant at Oakland Schools. School Psychologist and Elementary School Teacher. Attended Harvard's Project Zero Summer Institute; Yale University's RULER Approach Train the Trainer. YT200 Yoga Teacher through Zen Yoga Garage and Yoga Alliance. Focused on teacher well-being during the pandemic.Badge Of Honors: Master Gardener, Devon Rex cat breeder; wife/mother/sister/daughter/friend to some amazing humans.